Sunday, May 24, 2020
Effects Of Watching Too Much Television - 883 Words
Ambe Emmanuel Prof. Anne O bryan ENGL101 29 Jan, 2016 Effects of Watching Too Much TV The world has recently increase drastically with technological advancements. People have turn to rely on television to be the only source of awareness and information. Television is one of the most popular pastimes in the world. Both adults and children have fallen deeply into this technological advancement. In some homes, families own more than two television sets. Researchers have conducted a study which shows that an average American watches forty two hours of television a week. This is so much time wasted which could be directed to doing other productive activities. The overall fact of the matter is that too much television can negatively affect people in numerous ways. Some damaging effects of watching too much television include health concerns due to less physical activities, misleading information, lack of concentration and social interaction, and bad moral behaviors acquired from television. Watching too much television can have effect on people every day life; it can caus e health issues due to less physical activities. Watching television is associated with adult and childhood obesity. Watching too much television discourages and prevents people from exercising â€Å"A recent meta-analysis of the evidence found that time spent watching television was consistently linked with overweight†(Hancox 171). â€Å"Previous studies have reported that increased television watching correlatesShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Watching Too Much Television767 Words  | 3 PagesSince the 60’s, television has become an essential part of the American lifestyle. It is very easy to find a TV almost anywhere. For example, the grocery store, gas station, restaurants, and even hospitals! There is always a screen playing some reality show, or informing people of the day’s weather. Without even noticing, people are taking in all of the light, sound, and pictures. 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