Essay writing on my mother
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A Spatial Median Filter for Noise Removal in Digital Images Essay Example for Free
A Spatial Median Filter for Noise Removal in Digital Images Essay With each snap of a computerized photo, a sign is transmitted from photon sensor to a memory chip installed inside a camera. Transmission innovation is inclined to a level of mistake, and commotion is added to each photo. Signi? cant work has been done in both equipment and programming to improve the sign to-commotion proportion in advanced photography. In programming, a smoothing ? lter is utilized to expel commotion from a picture. Every pixel is spoken to by three scalar qualities speaking to the red, green, and blue chromatic forces. At every pixel contemplated, a smoothing ? lter considers the encompassing pixels to infer a progressively exact adaptation of this pixel. By mulling over neighboring pixels, extraordinary â€Å"noisy†pixels can be supplanted. Be that as it may, anomaly pixels may speak to uncorrupted ? ne subtleties, which might be lost because of the smoothing procedure. This paper inspects four regular smoothing calculations and presents another smoothing calculation. These calculations can be applied to one-dimensional just as two-dimensional signs. Figure 1. Instances of normal ? ltering approaches. (an) Original Image (b) Mean Filtering (c) Median Filtering (d) Root Signal of Median Filtering (e) Component shrewd Median Filtering (f) Vector Median Filtering. The least complex of these calculations is the Mean Filter as de? ned in (1). The Mean Filter is a straight ? lter which utilizes a veil over every pixel in the sign. Every one of the parts of the pixels which fall under the cover are found the middle value of together to shape a solitary pixel. This new pixel is then used to supplant the pixel in the sign considered. The Mean Filter is poor at keeping up edges inside the picture. 1 N ? xi N i=1 MEANFILT ER(x1 , xN ) = (1) The utilization of the middle in signal preparing was ? rst presented by J. W. Tukey [1]. When ? ltering utilizing the Simple Median Filter, a unique pixel and the subsequent ? ltered pixel of the example contemplated are here and there a similar pixel. A pixel that doesn't change due to ? ltering is known as the foundation of the veil. It very well may be indicated that after suf? cient cycles of middle ? ltering, each sign combines to a root signal [2]. The Component Median Filter, de? ned in (3), additionally depends on the factual middle idea. In the Simple Median Filter, each point in the sign is changed over to a solitary extent. In the Component Median Filter every scalar part is dealt with freely. A ? lter cover is set over a point in the sign. For every segment of each point under the veil, a solitary middle part is resolved. These segments are then joined to shape another point, which is then used to speak direct in the sign examined. When working with shading pictures, be that as it may, this ? lter consistently beats the Simple Median Filter. At the point when clamor influences a point in a grayscale picture, the outcome is called â€Å"salt and pepper†commotion. In shading pictures, this property of â€Å"salt and pepper†clamor is run of the mill of commotion models where just a single scalar estimation of a point is influenced.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Food Web Case Study Essay Essay Example
Food Web Case Study Essay Example Food Web Case Study Essay Paper Food Web Case Study Essay Paper A supplement web is a kind of chart that delineates the connection between the quarry and the raiders. other than known as an arrangement of supplement ironss and how each other are connected. This can be better clarified as an association in a network. Food networks are of import since it is an immediate delineation of the connections among specific species inside a specific network. Directly off the diagram will reveal the kind of species. what they cooperate with. the development where the earth they are found. furthermore, demo the dealingss between every specie. Since it is known as a supplement web. the name has just demonstrated that the relationship that will be spoken to will be a relationship refering supplement. Inside some random supplement web. there can actually perchance be more than one supplement link situated within the existent supplement web itself. The various kinds of supplement networks will allude explicitly to that condition only. Environmental collaborations decide stream of the supplement web. Food networks will change from easy to complex dependant on the sort of supplement web being seen. Rivalry : â€Å"Animals need air to accept a breath as a start of supplement. to eat to flexibly certain minerals to gracefully a portion of the body’s requests and to assimilate ( BioTopic. com. 2014 ) . †Because the requests fluctuate starting with one animal varieties then onto the next. there comes the interest to strive for some things for the interest to last. Regardless of whether this implies the species themselves are viewed as bit of the supplement web as a repast for a bigger animal types. With non just the opposition to last to do it out alive through another twenty-four hours. there is the interest to make a family unit what's more happen a safe topographic point to populate ( BioTopic. com. 2014 ) . Since these invigorate creatures have couples to take consideration of. children to take care of. also, the interest to secure what is theirs comes a totally different meaning of the word rivalry. Numerous opponents inside the supplement link can now and again be after similar sorts of supplement. looking for a similar sort of asylum can do issues between non only species. in any case, the existence living beings that flourish inside these eco frameworks like workss. Plants are other than popular of assets ( BioTopic. com. 2014 ) . Despite the fact that their requests will contrast from most enliven creatures. they are constantly sought after of O during sunlight hours. Oxygen for workss is a start of nourishments and vitality that permit them to turn and blast. Assets that enliven creatures go after ( BioTopic. com. 2014 )1. Food2. Water3. Space4. The opportunity to have sexual relations Assets that workss compete for ( BioTopic. com. 2014 )1. The supplement that quicken creatures waste2. Some workss are pollinated by energize beings3. Water. Light. MineralsFood WebsBeginning web is a sort of supplement web where at least one kinds of quarry are eaten by their pirates, etc up the supplement web. A people group web will reveal an association of who chows who. Vitality stream web is a sort of supplement web that will picture the vitality among the purchaser of the vitality. also, the start where the vitality is originating from. A Sink web is a sort of web that shows this quarry eating another quarry. what's more, this quarry eating the accompanying quarry. furthermore, the accompanying quarry eating the accompanying quarry. Paleecological web will picture the biological system demoing pictures that portray all the way back to dodo. A practical web will look like in articulation to that of the network web. It will demo the dealingss between associations of predator/pre y. vitality streams. the littler supplement web inside the web. what's more, an anticipated structure for what sort of species need what kinds of supplement and common assets. The most widely recognized of the supplement web are the network web and the useful web. They are the sorts of networks that most clients are progressively acquainted with in footings of what they are called and what they involve. Boxicity Tropic Status Trophic degrees delineate how the makers. carnivores. what's more, the herbivore have comparable yet various kinds of taking care of spots. The First degree comprise of the workss. the second degree comprise of the herbivores. carnivores are firmly in the third degree and in some cases the fourth. At the point when one animal categories or being is situated in the supplement web. they are at long last take separating in supplement transportations. Which is supplement link going from species to species. or on the other hand being to being. Rose Plant gt ; Aphids gt ; Beetle gt ; Chameleon gt ; Hawk ( Bcb. com. 2014 ) . The representation recorded here is an extraordinary delineation to use since it shows one being eating another. Genuine Applications Creatures that treat the grass.Grass that utilizes daylight to turnAnimals that eat grass. also, in twist produce milk. meat. or then again their hide coat.I use myself for my last delineation. I am a person. situated inside my ain supplement web. I eat supplement that semen vitalize creatures. I need the O that excludes from trees and workss to last. I go to work each twenty-four hours to flexibly for my family unit so I can take care of them. At the point when I am utilizing for an occupation I am in rivalry with others that are hoping to take consideration of their families. in this manner we are in rivalry with one another. I expend the regular assets that my eco framework brings to the table. I eat energize creatures that in curve may eat other invigorate creatures. The picture above is other than an existent universe word picture that relates a coordinated multi diagram that is the supplement web to an existent universe situation to more readily comprehend the dealingss in a scientific way. MentionsBcb. com. Tropic degrees. Recovered on April 14. 2014. Recovered from:hypertext move convention:/www. bcb. uwc. Air conditioning. za/sci_ed/grade10/environment/trophics/troph. htm Biotopics. com. Rivalry. Recovered on April 14. 2014. Recovered From:hypertext move convention:/www. biotopics. co. uk/newgcse/Competition. hypertext markup languageFigures Retrieved From:World Wide Web. googleimages. comfile:/C:/Users/Green/Downloads/mth221_r2_food_webs_case_study. pdf McGuigan.Robert A. 13 Food Webs. Recovered on April 14. 2014. Recovered from:hypertext move convention:/highered. mcgraw-slope. com/locales/dl/free/0073383090/299355/Apps_Ch13. pdf
Friday, August 21, 2020
Our Seeple did some amazing things last year COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Our ‘Seeple’ did some amazing things last year COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Two-thousand fourteen was an extraordinary year, and we can hardly wait to see what 2015 has in store for us. SIPA students, faculty and alumni are flourishing and are accomplishing so many great things across the globe. Last year, SIPA welcomed some notable people to campus, our students explored climate issues abroad, and our staff and alumni even found themselves in the pages and on the teleprompters of the countrys leading media outlets. The New Year may be in full swing, but we dont want to forget about our accomplishments last year. So as you put away the twinkle lights, make lists for this years resolutions, and dream about tomorrow (and possibly a future at SIPA), we thought wed share some of our favorite Seeple (SIPA people) moments with you. Heres a look at some of our favorite moments from 2014: Conferences and Speakers In January 2014, SIPA held its annual Washington, D.C. Career Conference where students networked with potential employers in the DC area and with SIPA alumni. Throughout the spring semester, the SIPA United Nations Studies Program (UNSP) held several working lunch events, which featured Ambassador Oh Joon, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea, and Ambassador Khalid Abdalrazaq Al Nafisee, Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia, and allowed students to interact with the Ambassadors. In March, SIPA and the Harriman Institute convened six faculty experts for a wide-ranging discussion on the crisis in Ukraine. In April, SIPA hosted the 17th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership Public Policy Forum, led by former NYC Mayor David Dinkins, and featured current NYC Mayor, Bill de Blasio, SIPA ‘87. In May, Françoise Bouchet-Saulnier of Médecins Sans Frontières and Philippe Bolopion of Human Rights Watch discussed challenges in humanitarian law. Then, the following week, SIPA held TEDxColumbia SIPA: Think Smaller at Columbia Universitys Miller Theatre to discuss the notion that bigger is not always better. In December, Columbia’s Journal of International Affairs celebrated the launch of its Fall 2014 issue, “Breaking Point: Protests and Uprisings in the 21st Century,†at the biannual Thought Leadership Forum. And ending the year with a bang, Jason Bordoff, SIPA professor, appeared on the Colbert Report and discussed energy and falling oil prices. Student Spotlights Tsechu Dolma, MPA ’15, received the Brower Youth Award and was recognized for her work to build a community greenhouse in Nepali village. Moises Mendoza, MIA ’16, pursued a Project on Statelessness. The beta version of the multimedia website, Stateless Voices, is currently online. Rina Lila, MIA ’15, worked on the Kosovo Diaspora Project. For last years Workshop in Development Practice, 21 teams of SIPA students in the Economic and Political Development concentration pursued fieldwork in 18 countries. SIPA students participated in United Nations’ Conference of the Parties (COP 20) on climate issues in Lima, Peru. A delegation of SIPA students were joined by Dean Merit E. Janow at the 2014 conference of the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN), hosted by the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Following NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s election, five MPA students surveyed their classmates to develop policy recommendations for New York City’s new mayor in the key areas of housing, transportation, education, and economic development and sustainability and sent an open letter to Mayor de Blasio. Alumni Accomplishments Ella Watson-Stryker, SIPA ’09, was featured on cover of Time Magazine as Times Person of the Year. She was picked as the “Ebola Fighter†with fellow Médecins Sans Frontières staff! Ashoka Mukpo, MIA ’11, recovered from Ebola and is doing well. Cris Stephen, MIA ’99, was appointed coordination officer for the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response. Eric Garcetti, SIPA ’93, was elected Mayor of Los Angeles in November. Congratulations! ***Cant get enough of 2014? Watch some of our greatest moments, featuring clips from SIPAs most-popular conferences, panel discussions and round-table events.*** Looking ahead to 2015 Julissa Reynoso, U.S. Ambassador to Uruguay, will teach a new course at SIPA on rule of law in Latin America (Seminar on Latin America: Challenges to Progress) this spring. Caroline Kennedy, U.S. ambassador to Japan and a 1988 graduate of Columbia Law School, will be the featured speaker at SIPA’s graduation ceremonies in spring 2015. and We will welcome a new class of SIPA students!! For prospective students interested in applying to Fall 2015, a friendly reminder that February 5, 2015 (at 11:59 PM EST) is the final application deadline. Good luck!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Effects Of Watching Too Much Television - 883 Words
Ambe Emmanuel Prof. Anne O bryan ENGL101 29 Jan, 2016 Effects of Watching Too Much TV The world has recently increase drastically with technological advancements. People have turn to rely on television to be the only source of awareness and information. Television is one of the most popular pastimes in the world. Both adults and children have fallen deeply into this technological advancement. In some homes, families own more than two television sets. Researchers have conducted a study which shows that an average American watches forty two hours of television a week. This is so much time wasted which could be directed to doing other productive activities. The overall fact of the matter is that too much television can negatively affect people in numerous ways. Some damaging effects of watching too much television include health concerns due to less physical activities, misleading information, lack of concentration and social interaction, and bad moral behaviors acquired from television. Watching too much television can have effect on people every day life; it can caus e health issues due to less physical activities. Watching television is associated with adult and childhood obesity. Watching too much television discourages and prevents people from exercising â€Å"A recent meta-analysis of the evidence found that time spent watching television was consistently linked with overweight†(Hancox 171). â€Å"Previous studies have reported that increased television watching correlatesShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Watching Too Much Television767 Words  | 3 PagesSince the 60’s, television has become an essential part of the American lifestyle. It is very easy to find a TV almost anywhere. For example, the grocery store, gas station, restaurants, and even hospitals! There is always a screen playing some reality show, or informing people of the day’s weather. Without even noticing, people are taking in all of the light, sound, and pictures. After the whole day, people retire to their homes, only to continue the trend; staying up all hours of the night becauseRead MoreTelevisions Effect on Families as Expressed in Marie Winns Article The Trouble with Television883 Words  | 4 PagesIt may be hard to admit, but television has become an intricate part of our everyday lives. People children often find themselves sitting in front of the television screen for a longer period of time than before and this has evolved immensely over the past few years. In this article, â€Å"The Trouble with Television,†by the author Marie Winn, mentions that addiction of television is negative effects on children and families. It keeps the families from doing other things and it’s a hidden competitorRead MoreEssay on We Need Less Television and More Play1202 Words  | 5 PagesWe Need Less Television and More Play In today’s world, society’s focus is not getting out in the environment and enjoying nature. 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Her emphasis is on the mediums influence on children. Although she makes a strong case for the negative influence of television, she fails to consider all of the benefits television has brought to American families. On its own, the television is neitherRead MoreReview of Television Addiction is no Mere Metaphor Essay examples603 Words  | 3 PagesTelevision Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor Have you ever heard the expression love hurts? Sometimes its the things that we want most that can hurt us. In Television Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor, an article published in Scientific American on February 23, 2002 by Robert Kubey and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, we see how this expressions meaning has some truth to it. The things that we are addicted to are not necessities but are desires instead. Kubey and Csikszentmihalyi give the best exampleRead MoreMedia Effects On Children And Adolescents1521 Words  | 7 Pageseverything; such as watching television, using the computer, and talking on the phone. On the media we could learn and find out the information that we need. And we can also share our personal information on the media. Media gives us a lot of convenient in our life, but there are also some negative impacts. Media has a lot of negative impacts which it could be affected on children and adolescents. The article â€Å"Media and Risky Behaviors†by Escobar-Chaves is discussed about the media effects that cause theRead MoreEssay about The Effect of Television on a Childs Attention Span1497 Words  | 6 PagesThe effect of television on a childs attention span Samantha Martin COM/156 May 6, 2012 Jodi Galvan Axia College of the University of Phoenix The effect of television on a childs attention span In watching my 13-year-old daughter, and constantly trying to get her to complete the simplest of tasks such as loading the dishwasher. I have often wondered if watching too much television has anything to do with her inability to complete the smallest of tasks. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
A Mechanistic Mode Of Organization Business Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2090 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? The structure of any organization has a clear impact on both employee behaviour and its performance Organizational Structure as Determinant of Organizational Performance: Uncovering Essential Facets of Organic and Mechanistic Structure. On the other hand, an organizational structure provides an overview about the hierarchy of levels, roles and responsibilities, authorities, communication channels, etc. Mechanistic organizational structure has a certain amount of bureaucratic features such as being a rigid structure, centralized in decision making, having well defined job roles and well-defined communication channels. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Mechanistic Mode Of Organization Business Essay" essay for you Create order These features ensure high efficiency in strict processes and procedures. Furthermore, it reduces flexibility and learning opportunities. The success of the mechanistic structure depends largely upon the external environment and also effectiveness in increasing organizational performance. It is of utmost importance to understand the definition of the organizational structure since it affects both employee behaviour and organizational performance (Organizational Structure as Determinant of Organizational Performance: Uncovering Essential Facets of Organic and Mechanistic Structure). Organizational structure is understood as a method consisting of responsibilities and power allocated amongst members and how work procedures are carried out among them. (Nahm et al., 2003). It also includes the layers of hierarchy, centralization of authority, and horizontal integration. However, an organizational structure is a multi-dimensional construct which illustrates the division of work (roles or responsibilities including specification), departmentalization, centralization, complexity, communication or coordination mechanisms including standardization, formalization and flexibility (How does organizational structure influence performance through learning and innovation in Austria and China). Two main types of organizational structures can be identified as mechanistic and organic. The next paragraph would provide an overview of the mechanistic organizational structure whilst discussing its nature and characteristics. Mechanistic structure is hierarchical and bureaucratic by nature. Its structure, processes and roles are considered as a machine where each part of the organization does what it is intended to do. Three main features could be identified. Namely highly centralized authority, formalized procedures and practices specialized functions ( Thus, a mechanistic structure has a clear, well-defined, centralized , vertical hierarchy of command, authority, and control. It achieves efficiency and predictability through specialization, standardization, and formalization. Rigidly defined jobs, technologies, and processes are outcomes of such mechanical organizational structure. Mechanistic structure aims to achieve efficiency thorough tight control (Enotes/Studymaster). Characteristics for mechanistic organizational structure are listed below: Stable environment This organizational structure works best when the environment is relatively stable. Low differentiation of tasks Tasks will not be differentiated much, because each subtask is relatively stable and easy to control. Low integration of e.g. departments and functional areas Due to the stability of tasks, there will be low integration between departments and functional areas, because tasks stay relatively stable, and because the functional areas are not heavily dependent on each other. Centralized decision-making When the environment is stable, there is no need for complex decision-making that involves people at lower levels. Therefore, decision-making is centralized at the top of the organization. Standardization and formalization When tasks are stable, tasks should be standardized and formalized, so that operations can run smoothly without breakdowns. Source : Mechanistic organizations prefer formalized structure due to two main reasons. It reduces the variability within the organization and enhances predictability in the organization rather than being ambiguous (Mintzberg, 1979). A highly formalized mechanistic structure demands nearly all processes and procedures to be administratively authorized. On the other hand, it considers processes and procedures outside to those authorized protocols as variances which should be brought under control meaning that decision making in all dealings should be done by applying such provid ed procedures, policies, rules or instructions (Enotes/Studymaster). A mechanistic structure enables employee behaviour more predictable while enhancing standardization within the organization. For example, an employee is well aware of handling customer sales returns or accepting credit card payments. Formalization enables organizations to improve performance (Hahn, 2007). In contrast, it also curbs any opportunities for innovation and fresh ideas, since variations are not allowed or encouraged. Consequently, a mechanistic structure does not support or adapt quickly to changes in the external environment. Hence a mechanistic type of organizational structure is best suited for large organizations which operate in more stable environments where it helps to maximize the organizational efficiency while minimizing the cost through formalization and centralized decision making (Carpenter et al, 1969). Classical management theories perceive an organization as a machine (Fayol, 1949; Tay lor, 1911). Classical theories emphasis the need for bureaucracy within organizations resulting the lack of space towards creativity and innovativeness. Thus, Classical management theories encourage a mechanistic type of an organizational structure (Organizational Structure as Determinant of Organizational Performance: Uncovering Essential Facets of Organic and Mechanistic Structure). However, organizations that operate in a rapidly changing environment requires to frequently change their processes and procedures with the changes that take place in the external environment. Moreover, it requires taking action according to the situation in order to enhance adaptability to environment. Thus, formulation and authority which exist in mechanistic structures does not encourage deviating from defined processes and procedures. Therefore, mechanistic kind of organizational structure is not effective for organizations that operate in a dynamic environment. It can be seen, that mechanist ic organizations increase efficiency when tasks and technologies are relatively stable. Meaning that stable environments and technology allow work to be clearly defined and differentiated. A scientific method should be used to separate work process to identify precise tasks, assign tasks in order to employees and monitor employee performance (Fayol, 1949; Taylor, 1911). Work activity of a mechanistic organization is separated into specific tasks. A specialized job position is created by assigning one or more specific tasks which requires rigidly defined set of skills, methodology and procedure to perform jobs. Furthermore, specific responsibilities or authority is assigned to each job function. Line managers and lower-level staff are to strictly perform assigned tasks according to strict procedures whereas few higher level managers monitor their performance. (Organizational Structure as Determinant of Organizational Performance: Uncovering Essential Facets of Organic and Mec hanistic Structure). Managers perform as planners and monitors in a mechanistic type of organization. This leads to high levels of efficiency by clear instructions to perform specific tasks. On the other hand, it provides fewer opportunities for innovation. Thus, innovation is restricted to achieve efficiency in the processes. However, this can be more suitable to improve efficiency in a stable environment rather than depending on innovative ideas. For example, Few customers, for instance, would want a McDonalds employee to use creativity in preparing their hamburger. Instead, the repetitiveness and stability of the procedure needed to cook a hamburger is more efficient when the employee follows established procedures and customers can trust that each hamburger they purchase will taste the same (Enotes/Studymaster). In contrast, a rapidly changing external environment requires innovative ideas to face external environment demand. Furthermore, it requires more flexibility in proce dures and processes to meet demands from the external environment. Employees would be given more flexibility to deal with their customers meaning that lower level employees would have a certain amount of liberty to make certain decisions in order to face the situation and solve problems. Thus, the mechanistic structure is less effective for organizations that operate in challenging environments. Centralized decision making in mechanistic type organizations enable few higher management personnel to actively be involved in decision making. Clear communication channels allow formal communication or information flows from top to bottom or vice versa. Classical theorists provides a view point that centralized decision making increases organizational efficiency and definitely results in better organizational performance (Gulick and Urwick, 1937; Weber, 1947). Classical theorists focus was more on hierarchical authority and pays less or no attention to the degree of employee participati on in decision making. Employee involvement in decision making is definitely an important aspect of any organizational structure and which directly influence organizational performance (Carter and Cullen, 1984; Khakani et al, 2012). Furthermore, centralized decision-making leads to the effective and efficient functioning of any bureaucratic structures (Goodsell, 1985). Scientific management of organizations is possible only if decision-making is restricted to few employees (upper level management) within organizations as discussed in the concept of Taylor (1911) (Mansoor, Aslam (2012). However, centralized decision making is more suited for stable and large organizations. Thus, in highly dynamic external environments, organizations require to act fast in order to survive within the in environment in which it operates. Therefore, certain amount of decision making power is required to decentralize and empower lower level employees. This helps them to react to quick changes that occ ur in the external environment. It is evident that the mechanistic type of structure would not sufficiently support organizations up to expectations when they are engaged within challenging external environments. Therefore, the extent to which formalization exists within an organization depends on the technology, size and the organizations traditions (Robbins 1990, Burton and Obel, 1998 (Mansoor, Aslam (2012). In a mechanistic structure, the clear distance between employees and management provide fewer opportunities to bring in new ideas by subordinates. Moreover, those who bring change can be threaded according to the X theory of Douglas McGregor. Therefore, resistance to change is high and innovation is not so much encouraged in organizations having a mechanistic type of organization hierarchy. (Armstrong, 2008). However, organizations face immense competition in todays challenging and dynamic external environment. Therefore, organizations with mechanistic structure face variou s difficulties when introducing quick changes due to the highly formalized nature of the hierarchy itself. However, learning is a critical factor that affects organizational development. The below diagram displays steps that are adhered to in single loop learning. Source : Mechanistic type of organizations can use this model to improve efficiency in their processes. The single loop model focuses on analyzing actions and feedback to identify the gap between where we are and where we need to be. Therefore, changes are implemented as actions but not as governing variables (Create advantage). Kolbs (1984) classic interpretation of learning concisely describes the single-loop learning process and is considered a simplified version of the scientific method (Kolb 1984, Armstrong 2008).  As discussed above, learning and implementing change requires flexibility within systems and procedures. The rigid structure in mechanistic organizations does not facilitate comfortable implementation of changes. A well-defined structure demands authorization of all changes and formal communication within organizations. In mechanistic type of structures communicating and formalizing all necessary changes takes a considerable effort and time where dynamic exte rnal environment demands quick changes. Therefore, companies face various challenges in adjusting to the external environment. Furthermore, implementation of change requires modifying tasks or roles where employees resist since their knowledge is more specific to a task or set of tasks. On the other hand, change may require training needs and considerable time to adapt which intern has an impact on efficiency of processes. Moreover, the amount of bureaucracy seen in mechanistic structures makes it difficult to introduce change. In conjunction, it reduces participation opportunities for employees in lower levels when deciding on changes. Clear distance between hierarchical levels of the organization and communication lines reduces awareness about such changes. Therefore, employees fear change and resist to innovation. It is of utmost importance to consider the rate of changes in technology and the external environment while deciding on the amount of formalization and specializatio n used within the mechanistic structure. Considering all these factors it can be decided that a mechanistic structure provides less space for rapid changes. Therefore, it is more suitable for large organizations operating in comparatively stable environments. Moreover, the type of organizational structure cannot be precisely identified as good or bad since it depends on the firms internal and external environments. An organization structure that suits a specific industry will necessarily be suited for another industry owing to many external factors such as competition and technological impacts. A mechanistic structure by nature is highly formalized and specialized with well defined procedures, processes and roles. Centralized decision making is one of the main features in a mechanistic structure. Higher level managers are involved in decision making whereas their subordinates are expected to carry out specific task or tasks within the department. Therefore, the mechanistic struct ure provides fewer opportunities for learning. However, the flexibility in the structure is a key to promote learning. Learning and innovation is highly required when dealing with changing and dynamic environments. Mechanistic structure does not provide enough flexibility to change or modify decision making according to situations. Therefore, a mechanistic type of structure is highly efficient for an organization which operates in a more stable environment. These features of mechanistic structures reduce opportunities for learning. Altering the level of mechanistic characteristics will help a firm to increase learning opportunities to some extent.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What You Dont Know About Personal Expressive Essay Topics
What You Don't Know About Personal Expressive Essay Topics The C'' Test Once your initial five essays are accepted, I'll provide you a permission slip to spend the C test. It is among the most frequent essays given as an assignment to students of distinct levels. Expressive essays are extremely popular for college entrance applications. Expressive essays unlike other sorts of essays need to have a rough draft which should be put off for many days before re-reading and re-writing it. Simply insert, your own make is definitely your own assurance to assist you an individual's consumer. The kind of experience doesn't really matter, so if well-written a bad or a very good experience may give your paper a top grade. The second kind of essay that you'll have to write for the test is the expository kind of essay. A well-written essay may be the most persuasive portion of a scholarship program, and that's why much time and attention needs to be put into its preparation. Narratives are targeted at telling about yourself. The multiple topics could possibly be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. Format The essay should begin with an opening paragraph and end it using a closing paragraph. Description enables us to show as opposed to tell. Design layouts together with set up make principles only for your promotional materials. Deciding on a topic for an Expressive essay should be comparatively simple, if it's broken down into a procedure. Remember a superb descriptive essay should have flawless content. Before you work on your own personal essay, you ought to make certain that you perfectly understand what it means. If you don't find out how to compose an expressive essay, just bear in mind the subsequent. Essay writing differs for everybody. Essays, generally speaking, covers different topics. Very good essays don't have bad topics. Writing a superb persuasive essay is not a simple job, however, it's achievable. Ask three distinct experts what a personal essay is and you'll probably get three unique answers. You have the right to make because many requests for changes as you want to your draft to make sure that it fully satisfies your requirements. Only 40 answers count in every section. Look at these sources for additional assistance and inspiration about how to compose a descriptive essay. Once more, it's critical to remember that uniqueness is key and sure means of ensuring this essay doesn't become just an ordinary one. As you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. Some students find it hard to write about themselves, but others find it much easier to talk about their private life, as opposed to researching an assigned topic. But if you're not concerned that someone may read what you wrote, you might want to continue to keep your writing, so you may come back to it after you have finished the four-day exercise. Now, a reader could possibly be thinking Wow! You always intuitively understand as soon as an intriguing essay idea is really the very best idea for you. It ought to have a superior organization in order for the reader doesn't get confused about what it is you are attempting to say. Inside my experience, descriptive essays are only difficult in regards to deciding just what things to write about. The essay conclusion confirms to the overall writing style of the entire essay and repeats the principal points. Picking attention-grabbing personal essay titles is something which you ought to take under consideration. Whether there are a couple of choices for an essay, think about the sum of relevant details on each that could be included. When you're studying writing, you'll most probably be assigned to compose a personal response essay as a way to construct and increase your writing skills. Put simply, if you aren't sure about this sort of writing and you would want to make an exceptional descriptive paper about a person of place, then it's possible to seek out essay writing services that are available on the internet. It isn't easy to develop into successful and hardly anyone is really successful but it's a noble aim to strive for. When you arrive at a satisfactory way to solve the mystery, you are going to have the THESIS of your paper.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ethics in Financial Planning Free Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Ethics in Financial Planning. Answer: Financial planning pertaining to a person is a process which determines various ways through which an individual can meet life goals by properly managing his or her financial resources. This definition has been put forth in the work of Rattiner (2009). It typically comprises six elements viz. establishing and defining the client-partner relationship; collecting data of clients which would include goals, analyzing and evaluating the financial position of the client; recommending a suitable plan to the client as per the needs and financial position of the client; implementing the financial planning recommendations, and monitoring the financial planning recommendations (Rattiner, 2009). A financial planner or a financial planning manager, to be a true professional, needs to have a strong ethical way of doing the things. Ethics is defined in different ways but it has got two main types of definitions based upon two rival philosophical doctrines- one is objectivism or realism, and idealis m or Interpretivism (Subba Rao Roy Chowdhury, 2013). Objectivism or realism believes in the existence of an external world governed by objective laws, and is accessible to human knowledge; idealism or Interpretivism is based upon the non-existence of any real world outside independent of human consciousness. This view has been expressed in the work of Subba Rao, and Roy Chowdhury (2013). Ethics enables a person in the workplace to adhere to the set of laws, and acts of that particular organization. A financial planner while dealing with a client should put the interest of his or her client first, and then think about his or her own target. The financial planning manager, to be a true professional, needs to develop moral sensitivity to know when they are facing a situation with an ethical component, moral imagination to help provide effective means to a resolution of the ethical situation, and moral judgment to enable him to evaluate various means to such resolution (Duska, 2017). Ethics has a direct association with the social welfare. It has been observed on many an occasion that people want to keep their financial status secret. A person when visits a financial planner or vice-versa takes it into account that the financial planner would keep their personal financial matters confidential. This has been stated in the work of Duska (2017). The ethics comes into the picture for a financial planner as it is an obligation on his or her part, not to disclose any confidential client information without the specific consent of the client (Duska, 2017). A financial planner must have sufficient information about the financial a ffairs of the client to offer an effective service but in most of the instances the clients deny such information fearing that the financial planner may not be able to keep the pertinent information secret. Often it has been seen that the financial advisor discloses the secret information which is nothing but the breach of ethics. On the flip side, there is a scenario when a planner needs to disclose certain conditions of the client during the time of underwriting which is often not done for the planners own benefits. This is a case of ethical breach and the concerned client faces the problems while settling the claims. A code of ethics has been an integral part of many organizations. The leadership of fledgling financial planning movement considered the fact that proper standards need to be enforced rather than lip, voluntary services (Brandon Welch, 2009). The major development that took place in the history of financial planning was the creation of CFP (Certified financial planner) Boards board of practice standards, charged with putting teeth into the professional code of ethics which came into the existence earlier. This has been mentioned in the work of Brandon, and Welch (2009). The breach of ethics on the part of financial planning manager has resulted in many financial planning scandals. The new requirements have come after series of financial planning scandals. The new requirements intend to transform advice into a profession by introducing codes of ethical conduct, and educational tools (Patten, 2017). It has been mandated for those Advisors who are already practicing till January 1, 2021 to pass a competency or registration exam and until January 2024 to obtain a relevant degree, or degree equivalent (Patten, 2017). Financial planners need to know the fact that selling planning outfits is often a long lasting affair and would sometimes take even five years to complete (Patten, 2017). DeArmond Durband (no date) emphasized that the client management qualities are the most important aspect in the process of financial planning. DeArmond Durband (no date) also mentioned that often, financial planners undermine the variable keeping the client informed and feels that placing the interests of the client before that of the planner is the most important client management quality. Interestingly it has been observed that money spent on sales technique and marketing were the least important contributors to success. Before the financial planning came into existence, the focus of financial advice was on investment advice as the traditional providers of financial services like bankers used to market their own banking products rather than identifying the needs of the clients (Brimble Murphy, 2012). The focus of the modern day financial planners has widened compared to the traditional providers. Clients are increasingly looking forward to them for general wealth creation advice, retirement planning, superannuation, taxation, investment, and debt and risk management advice (Brimble Murphy, 2012). Thus, it is important for them to be morally responsible towards their clients. An ethical breach can prove to be detrimental for the clients especially those who are retiring. The rationale for choosing this topic lies in the fact that there have been many incidences of corporate and financial scandals in Australia pertaining to the sale of financial products by financial planning managers which resulted in a loss of more than $500 million dollars of the investors (Smith, 2009). Many big names in the forms of WestPoint Group of companies, the Storms financial group, and many others came into the limelight. The saddest part was that most of the losses were incurred by the retiree investors who lost a majority of their savings. This view has been expressed by Smith (2009). All these happen for varied reasons; one of them is not adhering to ethics by the financial planner. There are reasons for that too. Financial planners have to deal with a range of ethical dilemmas on a daily basis which arises due to the involvement of multiple stakeholders, interests, and val ues in conflict (Smith, 2009, cited in Smith, Armstrong Francis, 2007). A high level of ethical reasoning is necessary for the financial planners to meet the professional obligations of the clients. Smith (2010) put forth that there are three ethical criteria viz. egoism, malevolence, and principle. On the part of an individual three traits are linked with egoism, malevolence, and personal morality simultaneously in the forms of self interest, friendship, and personal morality. An organizations ethical climate is important in determining the beliefs of the employees or financial planners in terms of the composition of ethical behavior; issues regarding decision making, and criteria and priorities to measure and resolve the issues (Smith, 2010, cited in Martin Cullen, 2006 Cullen, Parboteeah and Victor, 2003). A persons financial capacity gets diminished with the age. A proper financial management is required to solve such issues (Teale, 2015). If a breach occurs in this type of case for the personal benefit of the planner, a tremendous loss is incurred by the concerned aged person morally, financially, and psychologically. Thus, an adherence to the ethical code of conduct is a must. List of Papers and/ Publications:- Brandon, E, D, Jr., Welch, H, O., 2009. The History of Financial Planning: The Transformation of Financial Services. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Brimble, M., Murphy, B., 2012. Past, Present, and Future: The Role of Tertiary Education in Supporting the Development of the Financial Planning Profession. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 9, pp. 105-124. DeArmond, D., Durband, D. [no date]. Financial planner behavior impact on success in financial planning. Journal of behavior studies in business, pp. 1-11. Duska, R, F., 2007. Contemporary Reflections on Business Ethics. Dordrecht: Springer Teale, J., 2015. Challenges facing financial planners advising ageing clients with diminished financial capacity. Financial planning research journal, 1(1), pp. 7-18. Patten, S., 2017. Financial advisers need to shape up or ship out. Financial Review [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 September 2018] Rattiner, J, H., 2009. Financial Planning Answer Book. Chicago: CCH a Wolters Kluwer business. Smith, J., 2009. Professionalism and Ethics in Financial Planning. Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Smith, J., 2010. Ethics and Financial Advice: The Final Frontier. Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Subba Rao, G, Roy Chowdhury, P, N, 2013. Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. New Delhi: Access Publishing India Pvt. Ltd. For a financial planner it is important to get into a valid contract, and make a will. This may reduce the chances of any serious breach of ethical code of conduct. There should be an ethical leadership scale which would take into account various factors like rewarding people of integrity, strong code of conduct governing the license of the planner, i.e. an ethical breach may lead to cancellation of his or her license, etc and assign a score. It is very important on the part of financial planner to apply their moral code, personal values, and experience to resolve ethical issues; maintains adequate flexibility; apply relevant law or any professional code of ethics, and understanding that corporate culture may have on ethical behavior and decision making.
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